Website Updates You Need to Know About

Website updates you need to know about

Maintaining an online presence is a vital aspect of running a business today. Which is why updating your website is important for many reasons. Not only does it increase website security and prevent hacking, but it can also help your digital marketing strategy and increase traffic to your website. Therefore, we recommend that businesses update their website regularly. To find out which updates are necessary, keep reading.

Four key website updates that will help improve your website:

1. Update your website platform and security

If you’re using a CMS platform that does not have a strong development community behind it, you’re more at risk of your website being hacked without your knowledge. This is why it is important to choose a secure content management system. WordPress is one of the best and most secure website platforms out there. They are continually releasing updates to stay on top of threats and vulnerabilities, to ensure your website remains safe.

Not sure if your website platform is secure? Contact us today.

2. Update content regularly

Another important website update involves content. When you publish new content, you present more opportunities for your site to contain more keywords. Keywords are high on the algorithm chart for search engine indexing and ranking. Frequently added content, such as blog or article postings, allows you to optimise the article with relevant keywords that can attract visitors to your site. 

It’s important that your content effectively communicates the benefits of your products and services to your target market. By providing useful content, you are demonstrating that your company is knowledgeable, which helps build trust. When your target audience trusts you, they will be more willing to buy your products and/or services – which is the ultimate goal of many websites.

Do you need help creating engaging content that will make you stand out from your competitors? Read our blog or contact us today.

3. Updating the design and ensure you have a user-friendly website

It takes only 50 milliseconds (that’s 0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about your website. This makes it critical to have a user-friendly website and a strong home page with an appealing design, as it determines whether they’ll stay on your site or leave. As the appearance of your website is a direct reflection of your business, you need to position yourself and your company as an authority in your field. If your site looks outdated and structured poorly, potential clients may subconsciously think the same about your business. An outdated website not only sends the wrong signals about your business to potential customers but also hurts your business revenue.

4. Ensure you have a mobile friendly website

Did you know that 56% of web traffic comes from mobile devices? This means that if your website is not designed with smartphones and tablets in mind, then you could miss out on roughly 56% of your potential leads. Thus, the importance of having a mobile friendly website is critical. A poorly designed website with hard to use navigation bars, unpleasant colours and a non-responsive design can cause visitors to leave a website without giving the business a chance.

With our website creation and SEO services, your business website is guaranteed to attract the right audience and convert visitors into paying customers. Want to learn more? Contact us today.

Why your website has high bounce rates

Your website could have high bounce rates for many reasons. If your bounce rates are a little higher than you’d like them to be, here are some points to help you get your bounce rates back to manageable levels.

  • Website is too slow

One of the main problems in our everyday lives is that we don’t have enough time to do everything. No one will hang out on a website that takes too long to load. In fact, slow loading speed is the number one reason for a high bounce rate. Old themes are one of the main causes of slow websites. Other causes include heavy image and video files.

  • Website content doesn’t reach your target audience

If you notice a significant drop in the number of visitors to your website, it means that your website content gives them little or no reason for them to visit in the first place. Do your best to discover why people choose your site over another competing website. Once you have the “why” in mind, develop engaging website content that speaks to your visitors and their unique objectives.

  • No clear CTA on your website

If your CTA’s have been poorly written or not written at all, you could be losing a lot of potential customers. Updating your website with a clear call to action makes it easier to convert visitors to paying customers.

So, it’s not enough to just have a working website. It needs to look good, present information in a clear, accessible way, and create a strong first impression. By completing regular website updates, you can help prevent security threats to your website platform and increase traffic and conversion with updated content. Website updates will also provide you with a mobile and user-friendly website experience using the latest web technologies such as responsive web design. Do you need help with website updates or design? Contact our team today for a free quote!

Why choose Marketigation for your website updates?

Marketigation team have over 15 years of experience in website creation, optimisation, and website marketing. By working with us you’ll increase your site relevance and drive organic SEO traffic to your website. For more information on how we can help, contact us today.

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