Good marketing is critical to the success of any business. We understand that it’s difficult to start a business, let alone learn how to market it. It’s not uncommon for new and small business owners to find themselves in the marketing role and quickly becoming overwhelmed. It goes without saying that marketing is getting harder and harder. Not only is competition fierce, but technology and the digital world are ever-changing. Nailing down a digital marketing strategy is like trying to hit a moving target. But don’t worry, we’re here to help!
What Is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is the marketing of the future. It encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email and websites to connect with current and potential customers.
Want to learn more about our digital marketing services? Contact us today.
Why Is Marketing Worth the Investment?
Many companies view marketing as an expense. However, the truth is, when a business understands the importance and the role it plays in growth, it’s clear on why it should be considered an investment. From product and package design to how many words are on the front page of your website, everything that communicates with the customer is a marketing decision, and therefore an investment in your business’ future.
Marketing is crucial when it comes to gaining the attention of prospective consumers and clients, developing products or service demand and turning those prospective consumers into customers. When you spend money on any marketing or advertising initiative, there will be a return on that investment (ROI). Ideally, the ROI will be a number greater than the original investment, but this isn’t always the case. Unlike other parts of a business, marketing investments aren’t always going to pay off in a way that makes immediate sense to someone unfamiliar with building comprehensive marketing strategies.
What Do You Want to Achieve in Your Business?
It is essential that you write down what targets and goals you want to achieve and where you want your business to go. These goals can be short and long term. You may have some goals such as:
- Increase the quality of your sales
- Improve your understanding of your industry
- Lower your lead generation costs
- Increase your Return on Investment (ROI)
The best way to go about achieving your goals is to use the S.M.A.R.T method so that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. Setting SMART goals means you can clarify your ideas, focus your efforts, use your time and resources productively, and increase your chances of achieving what you want in business. For example, one of your Facebook goals may be to “grow your page from 500 to 1000 people in 3 months by utilising video content.” Have your goals in sight where you can see them every day and as the days go by you will be able to track your progress.
Do you need help establishing goals for your business? Contact us today to get a detailed marketing plan.
Find Your Target Audience
After setting your goals, you will want to attract those who are likely to purchase your product or service. Narrowing your target audience can help grow your business. Knowing who you ideally want to work with and how you can help them makes marketing a lot easier. This helps you know what they want and why. You can then incorporate clearer messages into your marketing.
How to Pinpoint Your Target Audience?
The first step to identifying your target audience, is to find out the demographics such as age, where they live, and likes and dislikes. All of this data will make your targeting much more specific and cost you less money and time in the long run!
Secondly, if you have competitors, visit their page and see what is driving people to their page. Check out their website, their other social media channels and find out what content they’re posting and why it’s proving to be successful.
Create A Content Strategy and Social Media Plan
Now that you know who your audience is and where they all are, you will want to gain their trust, build a loyal following and be the go-to brand for your product or service. Building an effective strategy for social media takes time. But it’s time well spent! An effective plan is essential for assuring the success of your overall social media marketing efforts.
A social media plan helps:
- Maintain consistent posting schedules across channels
- Avoid last-minute rushing to find content to share
- Post engaging on trend topics
In short, an effective content plan helps you do better and work more efficiently with less stress.
Do you need help creating a digital marketing strategy? Contact us today.
A/B Test whenever possible
Marketers use A/B testing for landing pages and sales pages, but you can incorporate split testing into your social media posts as well. When you start posting content or running Facebook Ads, you will more than likely see that some receive a much better response than others. Instead of publishing a Facebook post once and then forgetting about it, schedule the link to be shared multiple times and change the headline out with each post.
Engage with Your Audience
When you ask a question or start a conversation with your audience, you show that you care about their concerns, experiences, and opinions. You create a connection that makes them more open to receive the information or ideas that you want to share with them. Engaging with your audience on a regular basis in an honest and truthful way, will ensure trust is built.
Social media is constantly changing. We’re seeing new updates and trends emerging every year, causing marketers to have to shift their strategies to keep up. Whether you have a huge social media following or are just getting started, use these tips to craft your digital marketing strategy. They can help put you ahead of your competitors and grow your audience in a way that adds value to them and your industry as a whole.
Do you still need some help?
If you still need some help establishing a digital marketing strategy that will benefit your business, we are your people! Marketigation has an enthusiastic team of experts to help grow your business. Contact us today for a marketing audit.